Monday, October 11, 2010

September in Retrospect

Life is busy. The months are flying past before I even have a moment to enjoy them. The Husband let the puppy and I sleep in yesterday, which was much needed.

Work is becoming overwhelming and I'm not sure how to catch up, though the upcoming projects are very exciting.

This is my third week of teaching an upper division public relations class at a local university. Teaching is super hard work. Any university professors out there--how do I not feel like such an idiot while speaking to a bunch of students? Also, how can I make a two-hour evening class more interesting?

We canned a bunch of things from our garden and the farmer's market. I've never canned anything before so the jars of garden salsa, blackberry and peach jam, and the peach slices make me feel like quite the amazing housewife. The fact that Husband was equally involved makes him pretty amazing too.

Physical therapy has been helping my shoulder but I re-damaged it doing the assigned exercises and my PT has canceled the past two weeks for emergency reasons. Now my head and shoulder are hurting so bad it's hard to concentrate. I miss yoga.

It's finally almost cool enough to wear my favorite boots. I love warm socks and boots and once it finally gets chilly (if you can consider 60 degrees chilly) I put them on and don't go back to pumps and other work shoes until May. 

We went to Disneyland, which has always been my favorite place (blame my parents for that). It was a weekday at the end of September so the park was virtually empty except for all the moms and strollers. Mostly locals who can come for part of a day for a playdate. This is near the end of the day when things diminished into my modeling an awesome pirate hat that I couldn't justify buying.

And now. Now it's halfway through October already. And I want to start fresh.


  1. How cute that your puppy had a lie in too! My jack russell Jasper loves our bed too, sometimes too much as he takes over the whole space!

  2. I, also, love Disneyland! :) I'm in next time!

  3. A few things:

    - Love the sleeping picture. Yay Whit for capturing it.

    - Please teach me how to can stuff, okay? I want to feel like quite the amazing housewife, too. ;)

    - On teaching, I find the best way to make two hours go by is to plan activities. Discussion questions in groups, poster presentations, drawings, case studies, simulations...have THEM be responsible for content and thought. It's totally cool when they do it. I also like to show interesting or random video clips and prompt discussion that way. Youtube is your friend. :)

    - Miss you! Need to plan a Disneyland adventure some day soon!

  4. salsa and blackberry jam? yum! i think it is really cool that you are canning your garden bounty. makes me wish i had a greener thumb. . .
