Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Just Living

I have absolutely nothing exciting going on right now. And nothing to say.*  I've worked the last two weekends, I've been annoyed at the dogs and the husband, the house needs to be cleaned, jewelry needs to be photographed, and there are literally no plates or bowls in the cupboard. And all I want to do is sit down and finish the book I'm reading. Ugh.

But here is a picture of the place we go to walk the mutts. Loki likes nothing better than to chase tennis balls around until they're horribly slobbery and gross. Although normally terribly clumsy, he makes some fantastic leaps to capture the elusive ball. I tried to catch them on my iphone and this was the best I could get--and of course, it was the one where he missed the ball. Silly dog.

*Truly. Husband has been amazed at the quietness. 


  1. What book are you reading? I can completely understand that. Who WANTS to do dishes anyway?

  2. You're coming to see me next weekend! Yay for excitement.

  3. I do have a dishwasher so it's not like that part is hard. I just don't have the desire. :)

    My sister gave me "Dahveed" by Terri Fivish. Historical Christian fiction, which usually isn't my thing but this is really good.

  4. Hope things get a little quieter soon. It's tough to keep on top of everything even with a dishwasher :)

  5. I hear ya. Housework is the pits!!
    Sometimes life just chuggs along but that can be a nice thing.
    I absolutely love that pic of your dog.
